Replace That Scary Attic Ladder!


Many people only think about their attic ladder when they're sent up there to grab the holiday decorations or to take up an old box of belongings that they don't want to see but don't want to get rid of, either. It's likely fairly rare that a homeowner is on their attic ladder, but they realize how important the integrity of that ladder is for their own safety each time they have to use it.


It's not an uncommon issue that if your home is an older one, it has an attic ladder that might be warped and won't close or open properly, is twisted or bent in some way making it sketchy to stand on, or both. If you don't feel confident when standing on your attic ladder for any reason, then that's nature telling you there's something wrong here and maybe the ladder needs attention!


It can be somewhat pricey to change an attic ladder because the units themselves aren't inexpensive and it is an involved process to remove the old unit and install the new one. As of the writing of this article, attic ladders range in price from $225-$425 and we charge a base rate of $400 labor to do a ladder installation and so the total tab for a professional installation starts at about $625 depending upon the house, ladder size, ceiling height, etc. With that being said, a ladder that is in poor condition can cost considerably more if its use causes injury to yourself or a loved one and so putting that into perspective, getting a quality replacement could be a very good investment.


The replacement process begins with removal of the existing trim pieces and then attachment of temporary supports to keep the existing unit in-place while it's anchors are removed. The old unit is tied up so it doesn't unfold during removal, causing potential harm to the worker(s) or the house. Then, the old unit is lifted into the attic, turned sideways, and then gently dropped out of the opening where it is carried away to be discarded. The new unit, having been unpacked, tied together, and assembled as necessary is then lifted into the attic and then gingerly placed upon the temporary supports, after which it gets properly squared, aligned, shimmed, and anchored. The new ladders are designed to serve varying ceiling heights and so once they are anchored, the bottom must be trimmed to the proper height so it will unfold fully to the locking position. This requires careful measurement followed by cutting the bottom to length according to manufacturer specifications. Finally, the last step is to remove the temporary supports and ‘button up’ the installation by re-applying the trim pieces and doing any necessary drywall touch-up and repainting (if ordered to do so).


Positioning, squaring and shimming of the new attic ladder


If you have an attic ladder than needs some attention, reach out to us and we'll be happy to provide a free consultation. It could be that your existing ladder only needs some maintenance and a complete replacement isn't necessary but either way, we'll provide an honest opinion and a free estimate for your particular situation!


A nice and sturdy new attic ladder!