The Origin of the Company Name "Tuxedo Home Maintenance"


Since we opened our company doors, I've occasionally been asked “How did you come up with that company name?”


If you read our Home Page on this web site, you'll know that I was in the Information Technology field for decades and this comes into the explanation quite directly. According to our web site statistics, you are almost 90% likely reading this while looking at your mobile device, be that Android or Apple. On my end, however, I'm writing this blog post on a desktop computer that runs the Linux operating system, which is an operating system I come to know and respect deeply while working in corporate America. Most people aren't aware that Linux runs all of the top 500 supercomputers in the world, it runs 95% of the servers that run the top 1 million domains across the globe (that includes Google, Meta, Amazon, etc), and it also runs 85% of the smartphones if you consider that Android is based upon Linux. More interesting, Linux is heavily used to run space operations; just one example is explained by Matt Monson of SpaceX’s satellite internet service Starlink, who posted “For some level of scope on Starlink, each launch of 60 satellites contains more than 4,000 Linux computers. The constellation has more than 30,000 Linux nodes (and more than 6,000 microcontrollers) in space right now."



What does all this Linux proselytism have to do with Tuxedo Home Maintenance? As I mentioned, I come to know of Linux in corporate America because nearly all of the servers in all of the companies I worked for ran Linux. After leaving corporate America, I transitioned all of my computers from Apple to Linux and so I run it exclusively for my business and personal computing needs. That comes to the Linux penguin mascot, who's name is "Tux." Quite simply, I needed a company name that was professional and had an heir of credibility and I borrowed on the Linux mascot name to come up with “Tuxedo Home Maintenance” since it also incorporated a piece of my previous career!